Friday, April 27, 2012

Follow Friday #94

Happy Friday, everyone! I'm sure you're all glad it's the weekend! And the weekend means, it's time for some blog hopping. So please hop on over to Parajunkee's View or Alison Can Read, and hop around to some new blogs. You can also participate in the social media hop as well! So have fun and check out my answer to the weekly blog hop question below. Cheers! 

This week's question: Have you ever had a character that disappointed you? One that you fell in love with and then "broke up" later on in either the series or the stand-alone book? Tell us about him or her.

My answer: My first answer was going to be a near replica of Parajunkee's, because Anita Blake disappointed me too. But since Miss Parajunkee already chose Anita, I'll choose someone new.

Dear Edward Cullen:

We had a beautiful connection between us, but you threw it all away! I fell in love with you and your sexy romantic words, your conflicted bad boy ways. And I tried, Edward. I really tried to see past all your transgressions: I looked past the girly sparkling, and I even (with sadness) accepted your lack of fangs. 

Despite those flaws, I still thought of you as a romantic vampire. But your true character showed as time progressed. You became overly possessive, controlling, and at times, near abusive. But even in the face of those misunderstanding, I still I forgave you. 

But Edward, as hard as I have tried, I cannot forgive you for ripping open a woman's uterus with your teeth. You crossed the line between sexy vampire and supernatural creeper in one swift chomp. Though my heart still aches, I wish you well and will always miss what we had in the beginning. It is a shame we cannot go back.

Yours never again,

Team Jacob Fan

Don't forget to check back in on Monday. We're going to have a review of Laura Kaye's paranormal romance novella, In the Service of the King! Don't miss out =)


  1. I am just going to fist-pump that letter. It's full of win.

    New follower!

  2. WOOO! Team Jacob!!! Where have all the Jacob fans been! They all came out today but I've been on a hunt for you like minded people for so long!
    New GFC follower
    My FF

  3. Glad you ladies enjoyed my letter! I've been Team Jacob since book two, but I must admit that she kind of ruined him too with the whole Reneesme thing. *shakes head in dispair* Breaking Dawn was the worst book I've ever read, unfortunately. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!
