Friday, October 1, 2010

Write Time Response/Blog Hop/Follow Friday

Happy Friday, everyone! Sorry that this post is going up late in the evening. I was busy most of this morning, so I was only able to put up the blog hop buttons. Now onto the post!

As many of you may know, on Wednesday we talked about "When is the write time?" For those of you who didn't read the post, basically, the point was 'when is the right time to write?' In response to that post, I thought I would share with you something that my professor gave me this week. I thought it was oddly coincidental that he handed this quote out to our fiction workshop class on the same day I made my "When is the write time?" post. Are you reading this blog, Mark? If you are, make yourself known!

Anyways, this is what the quote said:

"You have to go to considerable trouble to live differently from the way the world wants you to live. That's what I've discovered about writing. The world doesn't want you to do a damn thing. If you wait til you got time to write a novel, or time to write a story, or time to read the hundred thousands of books you should have already read--if you wait for the time, you'll never do it. Cause there ain't no time; world don't want you to do that. World wants you to go to the zoo and eat cotton candy, preferably seven days a week"--Harry Crews

The more I think about this quote, the more right I think it is. Maybe there is no right time for anything. Maybe we just need to MAKE time for the things in life that are important to us. Food for thought.

While you're all thinking about that, remember to participate in this weekend's blog hop/follow friday. I'm headed off to figure out exactly how I'm going to make this much needed time. Til Monday! ;-)

Book Blogger Hop

"How do you spread the word about your blog?
(e.g. Social Networking sites, Book Blog Directories, comments on other blogs...)"

I do use some social networking sites to spread the word about the blog. I post links on my Facebook to reach out to my friends from school, people I know in my immediate area, etc. Twitter is where I reach out to the whole world wide web. I restrict my FB to people I've met in person and am friends with, but anyone can contact me on Twitter. I also have a Goodreads site that I'm trying to figure out how to work more lol.


  1. PS... I'm a pretty new blogger too... but it's tons of fun!

  2. Hi there!

    I'm hopping by from the Blog Hop!

    I'm a new follower!

    Happy Reading and welcome to the blogging world!

    - Mevurah

  3. Thanks for a lovely post. I don't Tweet or do FB (save for family) as I really don't have the time. This house is in constant motion, it seems. So I rely upon dropping comments and blog fests to spread the blog word.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi,
    I'm stopping by your blog on the Blog Hop and for Follow Friday. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and get lots of reading done. :)

    I'm a old follower.

  5. Found you through FF.I'm your newest follower!
    Come check my blog at

  6. Hi! Just hopping by! I use Twitter and Facebook, but I think the biggest way has been through doing the memes and really getting to know the other people who are out there! It's lots of fun for sure!

    The Delusional Diaries

  7. Hello, found you through Follow Friday. I'm a new follower and I look forward to reading what you have to say about the books you're reading. We have the same tastes in book blogs that we love so I'm thinking your blog will be a great fit on my blog roll.

    Happy Friday!

    The Book Scoop

  8. I don't know what to do with Goodreads, either! Mostly because I already have a LibraryThing account which is my main catalog. Right now I'm entering book contests and updating my reading stats on books...but there must be something else! I suppose I just need to take time to figure out what that is, haha!

  9. Pris--Thanks! I'll definitely stop by. I need to start uniting with other bloggers. My followers are building, but I need blogger buddies lol.

    Euphoria13--Thank you and welcome! =D

    Kittie--Thanks for stopping by again. The post is updated now, so it actually says something lol. I only had time to slap the buttons up this morning.

    Danielle--Thanks for stopping by again ;-)


    LMW--That's what I need to start doing. I need to branch out and create blog buddies lol.

    Rowena--Glad to hear it! I'm always so happy to find others who share the same tastes. Hope you keep stopping by ;-)

  10. birdbrain--I don't have a LibraryThing but now that you mention it, I'll have to check it out lol. Yeah, I really want to figure out Goodreads but I have so little time to fiddle around with things.

  11. Hopping through. Like you, I use FB for real life and Twitter for the general public.
    My Hop

  12. Hey there! I'm a new follower :)

    I guess I spread the word about my blog by visiting other blogs haha I tweet, but rather sporadically, and my FB is my own.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  13. Welcome, ladies! Glad you stopped by =D

  14. You know, I am still trying to figure out Good Reads too, I feel like I'm not using it to its full potential... there is just so much going on on that site :)

    Check out my Blog Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway HERE!

  15. Stopping by for a visit....hope you are having fun on the blog hop this weekend.

  16. Just stopping by to say hello. I love that quote, thanks for sharing it.

  17. hoppin' and followin'

  18. Welcome everyone! Thanks for stopping by! Check out the newest breast cancer awareness post. ;-)
