Happy Wednesday, everyone! Hope you're all having a great week!
Since we haven't had one in a while, I thought a WooHoo Wednesday was in store! It's always nice to recollect the good things to brighten our day a little. These are in no particular order. Here are all the things I'm grateful for this week. The things that make me want to yell woo hoo:
--My wonderful boyfriend, Jon, who is my stronghold when I need it most. He is supportive of everything I do and is always there when I need him. He's my best friend, and I couldn't ask for better. I love you, Juan-athan. ;-)
--My good friend, Britt, who has worked tirelessly on helping me edit my current manuscript, Skinwalkers. Britt, thank you for being so awesome and supportive of my work, and for putting up with my never ending "I need your opinion" Yahoo! instant messages lol.
--My mom, one of only two people who has read everything I've ever written. She's always honest about what she thinks and always gives great advice from a reader's point of view.
--I'm thankful for all the requests I've been getting for Skinwalkers. It currently has 6 partials and 2 fulls out. One of those partials turned into a request for a larger partial, and one of the previous partial requests turned into one of the two full requests. So two agents have requested more material after reading some. That's good news!
--The opportunity to post on the Romance at Random blog on Friday, July 29th! A hearty thanks to Sue Grimshaw for offering me the chance.
--My dog, Sookie, for always being by my side when I need her for both comfort and friendship.
--My critique partners. In particular, Kristin Miller, who presented me with many opportunities with both agents and editors as of late. You should check out her paranormal romance novel, Intervamption. It releases from Avon Impulse next week. I'll be posting an interview with her and a review of Intervamption on the blog soon.
So what are you thankful for this week? What good things have been going on in your life? Let us know in the comments.
Don't forget to stop back in on Friday! We'll be talking about social networking and the advantages/disadvantages of new sites like Google+. Also keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming giveaways.
Til then ;-)
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